
[Also applies to v8]{class="badge positive" title="Also applies to Campaign v8"}

Use a web form template using-a-web-form-template

Form templates are re-usable configurations which let you create new forms. By default, form templates are stored with Web application templates in the Resources > Templates > Web application templates node.

From here you can either create new templates or convert an existing form into a template.

Convert an existing form into a template convert-an-existing-form-into-a-template

A form can be changed into a template and its configuration re-used. To do this, select the form, right-click and select Actions > Save as template….

This action opens the window for creating Web applications. You can enter the name and description of the template and select the folder where it will be saved.

Create a new form template create-a-new-form-template

To create a Web form template, right-click the list of Web application templates and select New. You can also use the New button above the list of templates.

Enter the name of the template. In the Instance folder field, select the folder where the Web forms created based on this template are saved. The Nature field lets you add descriptive information to sort and/or filter your various Web application templates.

Click the Save button to create the template, then build the content of this template and define its parameters.

You may now select this template when creating a new form.
