[Also applies to v8]{class="badge positive" title="Also applies to Campaign v8"}
Translate a web form translating-a-web-form
It’s possible to localize a Web application into several languages.
You can carry out translations directly in the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign console (refer to Managing translations in the editor), or export and import strings to externalize translation (refer to Externalizing translation).
The list of translation languages available by default is detailed in Changing forms display language.
The Web application is designed in an editing language: this is the reference language used to enter labels and other content to be translated.
The default language is the language which the Web application will be displayed in if no language setting is added to its access URL.
Choosing languages choosing-languages
To define one or more translation languages, click the Properties button of the Web application, then the Localization tab. Click the Add button to define a new translation language for the Web application.
When you add translation languages for a Web application (or when the default language and the editing language are different), a Translation sub-tab is added to the Edit tab to manage translations.
51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign includes a tool for translating and managing multi-lingual translations. This editor lets you view the strings to translate or approve, enter translations directly into the interface or import/export character strings to externalize translations.
Managing translations in the editor managing-translations-in-the-editor
Collecting strings collecting-strings
The Translations tab lets you enter translations for the character strings that make up the Web application.
The first time you open this tab it won’t contain any data. Click the Collect the strings to translate link to update the strings in the Web application.
51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign collects labels of fields and strings defined in the Texts tabs of all static elements: HTML blocks, Javascript, etc. Static elements are detailed in Static elements in a web form.
Each time a string is translated, its translation is added to the translation dictionary.
When the collection process detects that a translation already exists, this translation is displayed in the Text column of the string. The status of the string is turned to Translated.
For characters strings which have never been translated, the Text field is empty and the status is To translate.
Filtering strings filtering-strings
By default, each translation language of the Web application is displayed. There are two default filters: language and status. Click the Filters button, then click By language or status to display the matching drop-down boxes. You can also create an advanced filter. For more on this, refer to this page.
Go to the Language drop-down box to select the translation language.
To display only untranslated strings, select To translate in the Status drop-down box. You can also display only translated or approved strings.
Translating strings translating-strings
To translate a word, double-click its line on the list of strings.
The source string is displayed in the upper section of the window.
Enter its translation in the lower section. To approve it, check the Translation approved option.
note note NOTE Translation approval is optional and will not block the process. Non-approved translations are displayed as Translated. Approved translations are displayed as Approved.
Externalizing translation externalizing-translation
It’s possible to export and import character strings to translate them using a tool other than 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign.
Exporting files exporting-files
Select the Web application(s) whose strings you want to export, right-click, then select Actions > Export strings for translation…
Select an Export strategy :
One file per language: the export will generate one file per translation language. Each file will be common to all selected Web applications.
One file per Web application: the export will generate one file per selected Web application. Each file will contain all translation languages.
note note NOTE This type of export is not available for XLIFF exports. -
One file per language and per Web application: the export will generate several files. Each file will contain one translation language per Web application.
One file for all: the export will generate a single multi-lingual file for all Web applications. It will contain all translation languages for all selected Web applications.
note note NOTE This type of export is not available for XLIFF exports.
Then chose the Target folder where files will be recorded.
Select the file format ( CSV or XLIFF ) and click Start.
When you export files in CSV format, each language is linked to a status and approval status. The Approve? column lets you approve a translation. This column may contain the values Yes or No. As for the integrated editor (refer to Managing translations in the editor), approving translations is optional and does not block the process.
Importing files importing-files
Once external translation is completed, you can import the translated files.
Go to the list of Web applications, right-click, then select Actions > Import translated strings…
note note NOTE There is no need to select the Web applications concerned by the translation. Place the cursor anywhere on the list of Web applications. -
Select the file to import, then click Upload.
Changing forms display language changing-forms-display-language
Web forms are displayed in the default language specified in the Localization tab of the Web application properties. To change languages, you must add the following characters to the end of the URL (where xx is the symbol of the language):
if the language is the first or only parameter of the URL. For example: https://myserver/webApp/APP34
if there are other parameters before the language in the URL. For example: https://myserver/webApp/APP34?status=1&lang=en
The translation languages and dictionaries available by default are listed below.
Default system dictionary: some languages include a default dictionary which contains the translation of the system strings. For more on this, refer to Translating the system strings.
Calendar management: the pages of a Web application can include a calendar for entering dates. By default, this calendar is available in several languages (translation of days, date format).
Example: displaying a Web application in several languages example--displaying-a-web-application-in-several-languages
The following Web form is available in four languages: English, French, German and Spanish. The character strings have all been translated via the Translation tab of the Web form. Because the default language is English, when the survey is published, use the standard URL to display it in English.
Add ?lang=fr to the end of the URL to display it in French:
You can add ?lang=es or ?lang=de to display it in Spanish or German.
For example: https://myserver/webApp/APP34?status=1&lang=en
Advanced translation configuration advanced-translation-configuration
Translating the system strings translating-the-system-strings
System strings are out-of-the-box character strings used by all Web applications. For example: Next , Previous, Approve buttons, Loading messages, etc. By default, some languages contain a dictionary with translations for these strings. The list of languages is detailed in Changing forms display language.
If you translate your Web application into a language for which the system dictionary isn’t translated, a warning message will appear to let you know that some translations are missing.
To add a language, apply the following steps:
Go to the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign tree and click Administration > Configuration > Global dictionary > System dictionary .
In the upper section of the window, select the system string to translate, then click Add in the lower section.
Select the translation language and enter a translation for the string. You can approve the translation by checking the Translation approved option.
note note NOTE Translation approval is optional and will not block the process.
Adding a translation language adding-a-translation-language
To translate Web applications into languages other than the default ones (refer to Changing forms display language), you will need to add a new translation language.
Click the Administration > Platform > Enumerations node of the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Campaign tree and select Languages available for translation from the list. The list of available translations is displayed in the lower section of the window.
Click the Add button, then enter the Internal name, Label and identifier of the image (flag). To add a new image, please contact your administrator.