
[Also applies to v8]{class="badge positive" title="Also applies to Campaign v8"}

Content editor interface content-editor-interface

Editing window editing-window

The DCE editing window is broken down into three different sections. They let you view, modify and check the state of the content.

  1. The top section is a display area for messages to the user. These messages indicate the status of the Web application status or the delivery being created as well as warnings and error messages related to the content. For more on this, refer to HTML content statuses.
  2. The section to the left of the window is the area for editing content. From this area, the user can directly interact with the content using the pop-up toolbar: insert a link into an image, change the font, delete a field, etc. For more on this refer to Editing forms.
  3. The section to the right of the window is the control panel area. This area groups the different options for the editor, particularly those related to configuring the page heading and general options for a block: add a border, link a database field with an input zone, access Web page properties, etc. For more on this, refer to the Global options and Editing content sections.

Global options global-options

The top right section of the editor lets you access global options allowing you to control the content currently being created.

It has four icons:

  • The Display/Hide blocks icon lets you display blue frames around the content blocks (corresponding to the <div> HTML tag).

  • The Choose another content icon lets the user load new content from a template (existing template or out-of-the-box template).

    note caution
    The selected content replaces the current content.
  • The Save as template icon lets you save the current content as a template. You must enter the label and internal name for the template. Templates are stored in the Resources > Templates > Content templates node.

    Once saved, the template is available and can be selected when creating new content.

  • The Page properties icon lets you select content information at the top of the HTML page.

    note note
    This information corresponds to the <title> and <meta> HTML tags on the page.
    The key words must be separated by commas.

Block options block-options

The section to the right of the editor groups the main options which allow you to act upon the content. To display these options, you must select a block: the nature of these options depends on the block selected.

You can:

Content toolbar content-toolbar

The toolbar is a pop-up element of the DCE interface that presents different functions according to the selected block.

Certain toolbar functions let you format the HTML content. However, if the page contains a CSS style sheet, the instructions from the style sheet may prove to take priority over the instructions specified with the toolbar.