
Overlap Reports: Update Schedule and Minimum Segment Size overlap-reports-update-schedule-and-minimum-segment-size

Describes the trait and segment size and creation time requirements required by the Overlap report update process.

Update Schedule and Requirements update-schedule

Overlap reports update weekly on Sunday. Report pre-processing begins on Saturday. This affects how new or existing segments appear in an overlap report on Monday. To be included in an overlap report:

  • A segment must contain a minimum of 70,000 total real-time users during the last 14 days.
  • A trait must contain 28,000 unique trait realizations during the last 14 days.
  • A segment must have been created prior to 12 AM Thursday UTC (2 full days before the weekly overlap report update process begins).
  • Your company must be a Full Audience Manager customer. Please contact your Audience Manager consultant or Customer Care to find out more.

Segment Size and/or Creation Time Affects Reporting segment-size

If you do not see a segment in one of the Overlap reports, it may be because the segment does not meet these minimum requirements.

Use Case
Segment Size Too Small
Let's say you create a segment before 12 AM Thursday UTC, but it contains less than 70,000 total real-time users. This segment won't appear in an Overlap Report until it meets the user threshold requirements. Note, also, the segment must meet the required user count on, or prior to, the Thursday cutoff period. If it does not meet the weekly deadline, the segment will appear in the Overlap Reports for the week after the upcoming Sunday data run.
Segment Created Too Late
Let's say you create a segment on Friday and it contains more than 70,000 total real-time users. This segment won't appear in the Overlap Reports for the next week because it was created less than 2 days prior to the report update period. However, the segment will appear in an Overlap Report after the next weekly update.