
Unique User Reach unique-user-reach

The Unique User Reach report returns data in a bubble chart. Each bubble is sized in direct proportion to the number of unique users for your selected ad units. A larger bubble indicates greater reach than a smaller bubble. The Unique User Reach report helps you find the ad unit that provides the broadest reach against your targeted users.

Use Case use-cases

With the Unique User Reach report, you can identify the properties in your portfolio that attract a high volume of unique users.

Using the Unique Reach Report using-the-report

Use the Dimension Value box to select the ad units you want to display in the report. Click All to display all your properties in the bubble chart.

Use the Day Range and Date Through controls to adjust your look-back range.

Interpreting the Results interpreting-results

Sample Report

Your Unique User Reach report could look similar to the one below. In your report, click on a bubble to view the underlying data. See descriptions for the additional information in the table below.

Dimension Value
The name of your web property.
Dimension Type
The type of publisher dimension. We currently only support Ad Unit as a dimension type.
The number of impressions that were served for your web property within the specified look-back range.
Unique Reach
The unique number of users who were reached by the impressions on your web properties.