Top Unused Traits top-unused-traits
Top Unused Traits are represented as a scatter diagram of traits that are not yet members of a segment, based on trait type, data source, and performance.
Use Case use-cases
With the Top Unused Traits report, you can analyze and compare the performance of first and third party traits that are currently not mapped to a segment. This view can point out the best traits to use in an audience segment for either campaign optimization or net new opportunities.
Using the Top Unused Traits Report using-the-report
Use the Data Provider Type controls to toggle between first party and third party traits. Select All to return first and third party traits in the report.
With the Impressions slider, you can select a minimum and maximum value for returned impressions. Any traits responsible for less or more than the limits you set are not displayed in the report.
Use the Day Range and Date Through controls to adjust your look-back range. Note that only the 30-day look-back period is available for this report.
Use the Order drop-down box to select the web properties in your portfolio for which you want to return information.
In the Data Provider drop-down box, select the data sources containing the traits you want to see in the report.
Use the Traits drop-down box to select which traits you want to see in the report.
Interpreting the Results interpreting-results
Sample Report
Your Top Unused Traits report could look similar to the one below. In your report, click on a bubble to view the underlying data.
See descriptions for the additional information in the table below the sample report.
The position of your traits in a report can tell you a lot about which traits you could use to optimize existing audience segments.
The traits situated higher on the Impressions axis are the ones you want to use in your campaigns. For traits with a low number of impressions, it is unlikely that you鈥檙e reaching this audience on your web property, based on your Google Ad Manager data.
Look to the left of the Unique Trait Realizations axis for highly accurate traits and to the right for traits that can drive scale.
High number of impressions, low number of trait realizations.
This is a highly accurate audience that is not yet member of a segment. Consider for targeting.
Low number of impressions, low number of trait realizations.
Rule out these traits, as the members are not contributing to impressions on your web properties.
High number of impressions, high number of trait realizations.
A high reach against an audience that is not denoted in a segment yet. This audience is a prime candidate for targeting due to the high number of impressions and the scale.
Low number of impressions, high number of trait realizations.
You can rule out these traits, as the members are not contributing to impressions on your web properties.