
CID Replaces DPID and DPUUID cid-replaces-dpid-and-dpuuid

Update your code to use d_cid or d_cid_ic instead of d_dpid and d_dpuuid. The DPID and DPUUID variables will continue to work, but you should consider them deprecated. This includes DPID and DPUUID variants without the d_ prefix.

DPID and DPUUID: A Review dpid-dpuuid-review

The DPID and the DPUUID are key-value pairs that contain a data provider ID and a user ID. These key-value pairs link provider IDs to user IDs. They send in data during event calls, for inbound synchronization events, and for ID calls. Without them, Audience Manager, and other services or features, would not have a way to match and synchronize IDs. These variables are sometimes expressed with or without the d_ prefix as shown below. Note, in the code, italics indicates a variable placeholder.

Data Provider ID (DPID)
  • d_dpid=data provider ID
  • dpid=data provider ID
Data Provider Unique User ID (DPUUID)
  • d_dpuuid=data provider unique user ID
  • dpuuid=data provider unique user ID

These key-value pairs still work, but they are deprecated. You should update your code to use CID or CID_IC instead.

CID and CID_IC: About cid-cidic-about

The CID and CID_IC key-value pairs replace DPID and DPUUID. They provide the same functions as the DPID and DPUUID, but are more efficient because they include the data provider ID (or integration code) and user ID in a single key-value pair. In each key-value pair:

  • The = symbol separates the key from its related values.
  • The non-printing ASCII character %01 separates the values.

d_cid and d_cid_ic use the syntax shown below. Note, in the code, italics indicates a variable placeholder.

Customer ID (CID)
d_cid=data provider ID%01user ID
Customer ID Integration Code (CID_IC)

d_cid_ic=integration code%01user ID

An integration code is an alternate ID you can use instead of the Data Source ID, assigned by Audience Manager. See Create a Data Source if you need to configure an integration code.

See also, URL Variables and Syntax for Declared IDs.

You can use integration codes for your own data sources and for global shared data sources, which you have access to. For example, you can use integration codes when working with mobile identifiers data sources. Use the following integration codes, exactly as specified below:
  • DSID_20914 for GAID, representing devices running the Android operating system.
  • DSID_20915 for IDFA, representing devices running the iOS operating system.


The following table provides examples by event type.

Event Type
  • New: .../event?d_cid=123%01987...
  • Deprecated: .../event?d_dpid=123&d_dpuuid=987...
Inbound Synchronization (IBS)
  • New: .../ibs:d_cid=123%01987...
  • Deprecated: .../ibs:d_dpid=123&d_dpuuid=987
Generate Audience Manager UUID (ID)
  • New: .../id?d_cid=123%01987...
  • Deprecated: .../id?d_dpid=123&d_dpuuid=987

Each call can also include multiple d_cid and d_cid_ic key value pairs like this:


Important Considerations for Development Teams dev-considerations

URL encoding

Your development teams must apply URL encoding to the following variables in the CID key-value pair:

  • user ID (dpuuid)
  • integration code

Note: You must URL encode the user ID and integration code before concatenating them into a string. This is because the ASCII character %01 that separates the two variables must not be captured in the URL encoding.

URL encoding assures that your user IDs and integration codes that contain reserved or unsafe characters such as, but not limited to, + or = are transmitted correctly to our servers.

Use the for reference.

Using integration codes for global shared data sources

You can use integration codes for your own data sources and for global shared data sources, which you have access to. For example, you can use integration codes when working with mobile identifiers data sources. Use the following integration codes, exactly as specified below:

  • DSID_20914 for GAID, representing devices running the Android operating system.
  • DSID_20915 for IDFA, representing devices running the iOS operating system.