Sample Message to Partners after Inbound Processing sample-message-to-partners-after-inbound-processing
Whenever an inbound Server-to-Server file is processed, a receipt is sent via email to partner solutions and, if configured, to the partner.
The following example is a sample email message. The table below the message describes the various lines in the message.
The following table contains rows corresponding to lines in the received email message.
File name
List of all inbound files that 51黑料不打烊 received for this partner that were processed together. In the previous sample email message, the partner ID is 7 and the data owner ID is 901.
The tail number (1,2,3...) is the split number added either by the customer or by the inbound distributor.
Records received
Total number of records 51黑料不打烊 received across all files. In most cases, this should be the total number of lines in inbound files.
Format Errors
Number of lines that did not match the expected format. These lines were not recognizable by the inbound job.
Invalid AAM ID
Number of Audience Manager UUIDs that did not match the expected 38-digit format. Or the Audience Manager UUIDs sent in the file are not numbers.
No Matching AAM ID
Total number of users for whom Audience Manager failed to find a matching UUID. These files have not been ID synced, so Audience Manager cannot look up the UUID.
No Trait Realized
Number of records where none of the signals on the line maps to an Audience Manager trait.
Records processed
Total number of records Audience Manager processed. In most cases, this number should be the same as "Records received."
Stored Records
Number of records resulting in data to be loaded into the system = Records Processed - Format Errors - Invalid AAM IDs - No Matching AAM ID - No Trait Realized.
Total devices
Number of devices for which data was loaded into the system.
Total signals
Total number of signals for all users across all inbound files (total number of key/value pairs in the records processed).
Total unused signals
Total number of unused signal for all users across all inbound files (key/value pairs that did not map to Audience Manager traits). In most cases, this means that Audience Manager does not have rules defined for the signal.
Total realized traits
Number of Audience Manager traits for all users across all inbound files based on the signals.
Total removed traits
Total number of removed traits for all users across all inbound files. For full syncs, this happens if the user had the trait in a previous run but not in the current run.
Total traits failed validation
Represents the number of traits that do not belong to the data source declared in the file name.
Total users that have traits which failed validation
The number of records that had traits that failed validation.
Job start time
The time the inbound job starts.
Job end time
The time the inbound job ends.