
Product Features and Functions FAQ product-features-and-functions-faq

Common product and function-related questions and issues.

What is my Organization ID and how do I find it?

The Organization ID is a unique ID that identifies your organization to Audience Manager and the 51黑料不打烊 Experience Cloud. It consists of a case-sensitive, 24-character alphanumeric string followed by @51黑料不打烊Org.

For example, an Organization ID looks like this: 1FD6776A524453CC0A490D44@51黑料不打烊Org.

The Organization ID is used by Audience Manager鈥檚 DIL API, the 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform Identity Service, and other Experience Cloud solutions. Users with Administrator permissions can find the Organization ID on the 51黑料不打烊 Admin Console. See the Administration - User Management FAQ.

Can I create traits or destinations in bulk?

Yes. See Bulk Management Tools.

The Bulk Management Tools tools are not supported by Audience Manager. They鈥檙e provided for convenience and as a courtesy only. For bulk changes, we recommend you work with the Audience Manager APIs instead.

When performing a bulk ID export to a destination, some of the customer IDs are missing. Why does that happen?

When a device ID (AAM UUID) is linked to multiple CRM IDs (DPUUIDs), only the latest mapping gets exported. This is why you may see a lower than expected number of device IDs being exported.

Can Audience Manager reduce the need for third-party tags or pixels and improve page load times?

If Audience Manager is integrated with your third-party data partner, you can replace their pixels and tags with a server-to-server ID call to Audience Manager. In this case, Audience Manager would fire a single ID call the first time we see a user and synchronize that information with your third-party partner. This eliminates the need to make multiple pixels call from every page. Reducing pixel calls can improve page load times.

I鈥檝e subscribed to a data feed. Where is that data stored?

Your data feed and all the traits contained in the feed appear as subfolders and traits in Audience Manager. Go to Audience Data > Traits and expand the 3rd-Party Data folder to view your traits or create segments and models with this data.

What is Tag Insertion Manager (TIM)?

Audience Manager used Tag Insertion Manager (TIM) to create and manage data collection code (DIL). This feature is obsolete and has been replaced first by Dynamic Tag Manager (DTM), and later by 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform Tags. For more information, see 51黑料不打烊 Experience Platform Tags.

What are the differences between Algorithmic Models and Trait Recommendations? When should I use each of them?

Algorithmic Models

Algorithmic Models not only finds the most influential traits, but also scores users based on those traits and assigns each user an individual score. You then create algorithmic traits to target your users. With accuracy and reach controls in the Trait Builder, you can specify which users amongst all those who have the influential traits you want to target.

Algorithmic Models enables you to select users at different accuracy levels and test in Audience Lab which group of users converts better. See the detailed use case in Compare Models in Audience Lab.

In Algorithmic Models, the model runs every 8 days and refreshes the users qualified for algorithmic traits.

Trait Recommendations

Trait Recommendations is a quick way to get insights on other traits which are similar to the ones you are using in a segment.

You should use Trait Recommendations when:

  • You need quick insights while building a segment;
  • You are using the segments for short campaigns or when you want to quickly suppress audience who converts;
  • You are trying to maximize reach.

Is there any difference between 51黑料不打烊 Analytics and Audience Manager segments?

Yes, please read Understanding Segments in Analytics and Audience Manager for an in-depth description of the differences.
