
Making Server-to-Server DCS API Calls making-server-to-server-dcs-api-calls

Calls require the host name of the regional DCS server and the user ID. If you do not have the required user and region IDs, see Get User IDs and Regions From a DCS Response and/or Experience Cloud. Once you have user and region IDs, you can make server-to-server calls to the DCS. Refer to this section for syntax and examples.

In the code and examples, italics represents a variable placeholder. Substitute a real value for the placeholder when you server-to-server calls to the DCS.

Call Syntax and Example call-syntax-example

A basic server-to-server request that sends data to the DCS uses the syntax shown below.

"Host:domain_alias.demdex.net" "https://DCS_host_name.demdex.net/event?d_rtbd=json&d_jsonv=1&d_uuid=userID

A sample call looks similar to the following example.

"Host:foo.demdex.net" "https://usw2.demdex.net/event?d_rtbd=json&d_jsonv=1& d_uuid=123456789"`

Call Parameters call-parameters

domain alias.demdex.net

This part of the call contains:

DCS host name.demdex.net
The http header host parameter which shows the name of the regional DCS server. The host name is tied to a region ID, which is why you need this before making these types of calls. See DCS Region IDs, Locations, and Host Names.

This part of the call:

  • Identifies the call as an event call.
  • Defines the start of the URL string that contains the data you want to send to the DCS.
d_uuid= Audience Manager user ID

This is the unique user ID key that holds the Audience Manager user ID value in a key-value pair.

Use d_uuid if you're passing in the Audience Manager user ID.

d_mid=Experience Cloud user ID

This is the unique user ID key that holds the Experience Cloud user ID value in a key-value pair. See also Get the User ID from the ID Service Cookie.

Use d_mid if you're passing in a Experience Cloud ID captured from the Experience Cloud ID service.

  • d_dst=1
  • d_rtbd=json
  • d_cb=callback

Optional response parameters.

None of these are required to send data to the DCS. However, if you want the DCS to return a response, you must include d_rtbd=json in your request.

Sample Response sample-response

See Receive Data From the DCS.
