
鈥淯nspecified鈥, 鈥淣one鈥, 鈥淥ther鈥, and 鈥淯nknown鈥 in reporting

Various reports in 51黑料不打烊 Analytics can show 鈥淯nspecified鈥, 鈥淥ther鈥, or 鈥淯nknown鈥, depending on the specific report viewed. Generally, this line item means that the variable was not defined or otherwise unavailable. The following provides a comprehensive list of how each report can have one of these line items.

鈥淯nspecified鈥 (or 鈥淣one鈥) in reporting reporting

鈥淯nspecified鈥 is a fairly common line item in reports. It is also frequently referred to as 鈥淣one鈥.

  • An event fires without a conversion variable: For example, a user comes to your site and makes a purchase without any eVar1 value. If you view orders using the eVar1 dimension, there is no value to attribute this order to. Therefore, it is automatically attributed to 鈥淯nspecified鈥.
  • Unclassified data in classification reports: When viewing classification data, any value that doesn鈥檛 have data associated with that particular classification returns 鈥淯nspecified鈥. To resolve this issue, make sure that there is a classification value associated with each parent dimension item.
  • Breakdown reports where only one variable fired: When you apply a breakdown to a variable, every instance of that variable must be accounted for. If the second variable was not seen or if it persisted from a previous hit, the dimension item is 鈥淯nspecified鈥.
  • Non-mobile hits in mobile reports: Any non-mobile hits in mobile reports are listed as 鈥淯nspecified鈥 (鈥淣on Mobile鈥 in Reports and Analytics).

鈥淥ther鈥 in reporting other

Though somewhat rare in reporting, 鈥淥ther鈥 can occur under several circumstances:

  • Pages fire outside internal URL filters: This value is in place to help guard against data fraud, such as if another organization steals your source code and implements it on their own site. To correct this issue, ensure that all URLs your code is implemented on matches the internal URL filters in your report suite settings.
  • Visitors using an infrequently used browser: In the Browser Types report, 鈥淥ther鈥 appears as a breakdown if visitors are using a browser that is not a popular browser type. There are many organizations that produce browsers. All browsers that larger organizations didn鈥檛 create are bucketed into 鈥淥ther鈥 to prevent report clutter.

鈥淯nknown鈥 in reporting unknown

鈥淯nknown鈥 can occur under several circumstances:

  • Non-browser hits when viewing Technology reports: If an AppMeasurement library is unable to determine if a feature is supported, 鈥淯nknown鈥 is shown in reporting.
  • Using segments where components are not accessible: Make sure that variables used in a segment are enabled and that users can access them. If a user does not have access to a segment component, or if a variable is disabled, 鈥淯nknown鈥 is shown.

Filtering these values in reporting filter

Under most circumstances, it is safe to ignore these line items. The search filter can be used to remove them if desired.

Some backend data variables use the value ::unspecified:: in reporting, though it is not shown in the interface. If a search filter fails to exclude data, try using this value (including the colons).
