
Manage advertising accounts

You can access the Advertising accounts interface by navigating to Admin > Advertising accounts.

Advertising Accounts

You see a table listing the advertising accounts. If no advertising accounts are available, select Create new advertising account.

The table consists of the following columns:

Name or element
Name of account. You can select the name to edit the search engine settings.
Select to rename the advertising account or edit the search engine settings.
Select to open a context menu allowing you map report suites, activate or pause advertising accounts.
Report suites
Lists the report suites that the advertising account is mapped to.
Shows the type of advertising account. By default the type is Search
Show the account type, either Bing Ads or Google Adwords.
The status of the advertising account: Paused or Active.
  • To filter the list by Report suite, Type and Status, select Filter

  • To search for your advertising account using the Search search field.

  • To select active accounts in the table, check Active accounts.

  • To define which columns to show for the table, select Column settings .
    In the Customize table dialog:

    • Select the columns that you want to show.
    • Select Apply.

When you select one or more advertising accounts, a blue action bar, based on status of the selected accounts, allows you to Edit Rename, Refesh Map Report Suites, Play Activate or Pause Pause your advertising accounts.

Create an advertising account

To create a new advertising account:

  1. Select Add Add.
  2. You see the Advertising Accounts > New account dialog to let you define a new advertising account. See Set up an Advertising Account for more information.

Edit an advertising account

To edit the search engine settings for an advertising account:

  • Select the name of the advertising account.
  • Select Edit next to the name of the advertising account.

Map reporting suites

To map one or more advertising account to report suites:

  1. (optional) Select more than one advertising account.
  2. Select More for a specific advertising account.
  3. Select Refesh Map Report suites from the context menu.
  4. In the Map Report suites dialog, select one or more report suites from the dropdown. You can delete report suites from the mapping using Cross .
  5. Select Save to save the mapping.

Activate or pause advertising accounts

To activate one or more advertising accounts:

  1. (optional) Select more than one advertising account.
  2. Select More for a specific advertising account.
  3. Select Play Activate from the context menu.

To pause one or more advertising accounts:

  1. (optional) Select more than one advertising account.
  2. Select More for a specific advertising account.
  3. Select Pause Pause from the context menu.