
Data Warehouse best practices

Data Warehouse provides a flexible interface to run custom reports. Use the following guidelines to help reduce the time it takes to retrieve data:

Understand the amount of data you are requesting
A multi-year report on a large report suite can contain tens of billions of data rows. Processing and evaluating this data can take days, or even weeks. Evaluate how the report is being used to determine if some of the multi-year data is available, or if you can break the report into multiple requests.
Match the report period to the granularity
Reporting granularity requires additional processing time. If you are reporting monthly granularity for an entire year, your reports process much faster if you submit a report request for each month.
Report on completed data ranges
Data Warehouse reports are generated when the date range requested is complete. For example, if you request a report for the current week on Wednesday, the report isn鈥檛 generated until Sunday of the following week.
Generate pathing reports in Data Warehouse
Pathing metrics (entries, exits, bounces, etc.) are not available in data warehouse.
Virtual report suites
Data Warehouse reporting on virtual report suites supports the alternative time zone configured on the virtual report suite.