A new and streamlined Report Builder was released on October 16, 2024. It is supported on Mac, Windows, and web browsers.
This Legacy Report Builder add-in version still works. You can convert your legacy workbooks to the new Report Builder.
This Legacy Report Builder add-in version still works. You can convert your legacy workbooks to the new Report Builder.
On the Request Wizard: Step 1, you can apply a level of granularity to the data request. Granularity specifies the level of time-based detail that is included in the report.
Valid values are Hour, Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year, and Aggregated.
How Report Builder processes granularity
Suppose you choose a date range for a month with Month granularity. Requests show totals for the metric based on exactly one month鈥檚 worth of data. If the date range of your request spans one quarter, the report shows three figures: one for each month unit, or fraction thereof. If today is March 18, choosing the last quarter returns one figure for January 1 - January 31, another figure for February 1 - February 28, and a final figure for March 1 - March 17.