
Customized date expressions

A new and streamlined Report Builder was released on October 16, 2024. It is supported on Mac, Windows, and web browsers.
This Legacy Report Builder add-in version still works. You can convert your legacy workbooks to the new Report Builder.

You can specify a complex date range by building a custom expression.

When you build expressions, refer to a calendar to specify the number of weeks and days correctly. Excel has several built-in functions allowing you to calculate the number of days, workdays, months, and years between dates. You can use these functions in formulas to calculate other intervals, such as weeks and quarters.

To enable custom expressions

The following example shows how to enable a custom expression for Rolling Dates.

  1. On the Request Wizard: Step 1, instead of using Preset Dates, select Rolling Dates.

    Screenshot showing Rolling Dates selected.

  2. Switch to rolling weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Notice how the options below change.

  3. For more customization options, click Show Advanced Options.

    Screenshoot highlighting the Show Advanced Options.

  4. For example, if you change the dates above to rolling monthly from the first day three months ago to the first day of this month, the dates in the advance options portion update themselves to reflect that:

    Screenshot showing the rolling dates from the first day three months ago to the first day of this month.

  5. Enable Customize Expression. By selecting options under Rolling Dates, you can easily see the syntax for custom date expressions.

    Screenshot showing Customize Expression selected.

    You can use Advanced Options to mix and match custom date expressions. For example, if you wanted to see data from the first of the year through the end of the last full month, you could enter the following: From: cy To: cm-1d. In the wizard, those dates are shown as 1/1/2020-1/31/2020.
