
51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Analytics landing page

The landing page for 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Analytics brings together both Analysis Workspace and Reports & Analytics (end-of-lifed) in a single interface and access point under the Workspace umbrella. It features a project manager home page, a templates section, and a learning section to help you with getting started more effectively.


See VideoCheckedOut for a demo video.

The 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Analytics landing page is comprised of the following subtabs: Projects, Templates, and Learning.

Projects are customized designs that combine data components, tables, and visualizations that you built or that someone else built and shared with you. Projects also refers to blank projects and blank mobile scorecards.

Templates includes templates provided by 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ and any templates specific to your organization.

The Learning tab contains hands-on video tours, tutorials, and links to documentation.

The Projects tab serves as the Workspace home page. It displays the Company folder, any personal folders you created, your projects, and Mobile scorecards. Use this page to view, create, and modify folders, projects, and mobile scorecards. For more information, see About Folders in Analytics.

Landing all

Several of the following settings persist during the session and across sessions. For example, the tab you selected, the selected filters, selected columns, and the column sort direction. Search results are not persistent.

Customize table columns

To customize column widths, drag the vertical bar that separates each column.

To add or remove columns from the list of projects, click the column icon ( Landing all ) in the top-right, then select or deselect column titles.

The available columns are:

Column name
Identifies the name of the project.
Indicates whether this type is a Workspace project, a Mobile scorecard, or a folder.
Tags projects to organize them into groups.
Set to On when a project is scheduled or Off when it is not. Clicking the On link lets you see information about the scheduled project. You can also edit the project schedule if you are the project owner.
Project role
Identifies the project roles: whether you are the project Owner and whether you have permissions to Edit or Duplicate the project.
Report suite
Identifies the Report Suites that are associated with the project.
Tables and visualizations within a panel derive data from the report suite selected in the top right of the panel. The report suite also determines what components are available in the left rail. Within a project, you can use one or many report suites depending on your analysis use cases. The list of report suites is sorted on relevance. 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ defines relevance based on how recently and frequently the suite has been used by the current user, and how frequently the suite is used within the organization.
Identifies the person who created the project.
Shared With
Shows who the project is currently shared with.
Last Modified
The date and time when the project was last modified.
Last Opened
Identifies the date that a project was last opened by the user who is currently viewing the Projects page.
Last Used

Helps determine whether a project is valuable to users in your organization by showing the date and time when the project was last opened by any user within the organization.

Consider the following when viewing this column:

  • Usage information is available starting in September 2023.
  • This column is available only to system administrators.
Project ID
Can be used for debugging projects.
Longest Date Range
Longer date ranges increase project complexity and may increase processing and load times.
Number of queries
The total number of requests made to Analytics when the project loads. A higher number of project queries increases project complexity and may increase processing and load times. This data is available only after a project has loaded or a scheduled project was sent.
Shows the folder where the project is located.

Other UI elements on the Projects page

UI element
Edit preferences
Lets you View Tutorials, and Edit user preferences.
Create new
Opens the project modal where you can create a Workspace project or a Mobile scorecard or open a company template.
Show less
Show more
Toggles between not showing and showing the banner: Top banner
Workspace project
Creates a blank Workspace project for you to design and build.
Mobile scorecard
Creates a blank mobile scorecard for you to design and build.
Open Training Tutorial
Opens the Workspace training tutorial that guides you through the process of building a new starter project in a step-by-step tutorial.
Open release notes
Opens the 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Analytics section of the latest 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Cloud release notes.
Filter icon
Filters by tags, report suites, owners, types, and other filters (Mine, Shared with me, Favorites, and Approved)
Search bar
Searches all columns in the table.
Selection box
Selects one or more projects to display the project management actions you can perform: Delete, Share, Rename, Copy, Unpin, Move Up, Move Down, Tag, Approve, Export CSV, and Move to. You may not have permissions to perform all listed actions.
Adds a star next to a favorite project or folder that can be used as a filter.
Identifies the name of the project.
Pin icon
Pins items so they always appear at the top of your list but you can re-adjust the order by moving them up or down in the order. Use the ellipsis option menu and select Move Up or Move down in the list.
Info (i) icon
Displays the following information about a project: Type, Project Role, Owner, Description, and who it is shared with. It also indicates who can edit or duplicate this project.
Ellipsis (…)
Displays the project management actions you can perform: Delete, Share, Rename, Copy, Unpin, Move Up, Move Down, Tag, Approve, Export CSV, and Move to. You may not have permissions to perform all listed actions.
SHOW: Folders & Projects or All Projects
Changes the view setting on the table to show folders and projects according to your folder organization or show all of your projects in an unorganized list.
< (Back button)
Returns you to your most recent landing page configuration in a Workspace project or a report. The page configuration you had when you left the landing page will persist when you return.

For information about using templates in 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Analytics, see the following resources:

Use the Learning tab navigate-learning

The Learning page contains hands-on video tours, tutorials, and links to documentation.

Use the Learning page in 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Analytics to learn beginner, intermediate, or advanced features and use-cases in 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Analytics.

Access the Learning page

  1. In 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Analytics, select Workspace > Learning.

Learning page features

  • Filter content: The Filter icon in the left rail allows you to filter learning content by experience level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced) and by content type (Document, Video, or Tours & tutorials).

  • Track progress: After you select a piece of content, a Viewed tag appears. This tag helps you track your progress through the learning content. You can select the Viewed tag to remove it from a piece of content.

  • View additional content: While viewing any video, select the Learn more button to view related documentation content on Experience League. Or, from the Learning page, select either of the following options to view additional content:

    • Visit YouTube: View the full Analysis Workspace YouTube playlist.
    • Visit Experience League: View the full suite of 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Analytics documentation on Experience League.
  • Fundamentals for new users: The Workspace Fundamentals tour is recommended for new users. This tour takes you directly to Workspace and walks you through the most common actions. This tour can also be relaunched any time in Workspace via the tooltip pop-over from the panel header.

Set your landing page set-landing

Users can set their preferred landing page.

  1. Go to Analytics > Components > Preferences > General.

  2. Check which landing page you would prefer:

    Set landing page

Landing page FAQ landing-faq

Where are the templates that I am used to seeing in Workspace?
These templates are grouped under the Templates tab.
Does the work I do in the beta program UI carry over to the production Workspace experience?
Yes, any work done in the beta carries over to the old/current Workspace experience.
Are my previous Reports & Analytics favorites carried over?
No, they are NOT carried forward. However, any Workspace project favorites are carried over.
Is there a maximum number of projects I can pin?
No, there is no limit on the number of projects you can pin.
Can admins designate this landing page for their users?
No, admins cannot designate the landing page on behalf of users. Individual users must turn on the toggle themselves.