
An example B2B project

This article illustrates a use case where you want to properly report in Customer Journey Analytics on person data within the context of a typical B2B configuration. Such a configuration is part of the Real-Time CDP B2B edition. The use case explains how to set up, configure and report on profile (person) level based B2B data in Customer Journey Analytics.


Define your connection to include all relevant B2B datasets from Experience Platform. Datasets you can consider to add to your connection:

Schema type
Base class
B2B Activity Dataset
B2B Activity Schema
XDM ExperienceEvent
An ExperienceEvent is a fact record of what occurred, including the point in time and identity of the individual involved. ExperienceEvents can be either explicit (directly observable human actions) or implicit (raised without a direct human action) and are recorded without aggregation or interpretation. Experience events are critical for time-domain analytics as they allow for observation and analysis of changes that occur in a given window of time and the comparison between multiple windows of time to track trends.
B2B Person Dataset
B2B Person Schema
XDM Individual Profile
An XDM Individual Profile forms a singular representation of the attributes and interests of both identified and partially identified individuals. Less-identified profiles may contain only anonymous behavioral signals, such as browser cookies, while highly identified profiles may contain detailed personal information such as name, date of birth, location, and email address. As a profile grows, it becomes a robust repository of personal information, identification information, contact details, and communication preferences for an individual.
B2B Account Dataset
B2B Account Schema
XDM Business Account
An XDM Business Account is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) class that captures the minimum required properties of a business account. This XDM class can only be included in the profile for customers with the B2B or B2P Edition.
B2B Opportunity Dataset
B2B Opportunity Schema
XDM Business Opportunity
XDM Business Opportunity is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) class that captures the minimum required properties of a business opportunity. This XDM class can only be included in the profile for customers with the B2B or B2P Edition.
B2B Campaign Dataset
B2B Campaign Schema
XDM Business Campaign
XDM Business Campaign is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) class that captures the minimum required properties of a business campaign. This XDM class can only be included in the profile for customers with the B2B or B2P Edition.
B2B Marketing List Dataset
B2B Marketing List Schema
XDM Business Marketing List
XDM Business Marketing List is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) class that captures the minimum required properties of a marketing list. Marketing lists allow you to prioritize on prospect clients who are most likely to buy your product. This XDM class can only be included in the profile for customers with the B2B or B2P Edition.
B2B Account Person Relation Dataset
B2B Account Person Relation Schema
XDM Business Account Person Relation
XDM Business Account Person Relation is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) class that captures the minimum required properties of a person that is associated with a business account.
B2B Opportunity Person Relation Dataset
B2B Opportunity Person Relation Schema
XDM Business Opportunity Person Relation
XDM Business Opportunity Person Relation is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) class that captures the minimum required properties of a person that is associated with a business opportunity.
B2B Marketing List Member Dataset
B2B Marketing List Member Schema
XDM Marketing List Members
XDM Business Marketing List Members is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) class that describes members, persons, or contacts associated with a marketing list.
B2B Campaign Member Dataset
B2B Campaign Member Schema
XDM Business Campaign Members
XDM Business Campaign Members is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) class that describes a contact or lead associated with a business campaign.

The relationship between the B2B lookup schemas, profile schema, and event schema is defined in the B2B setup within Experience Platform. See Schemas in Real-Time Customer Data Platform B2B Edition and Define a many-to-one relationship between two schemas in Real-Time Customer Data Platform B2B Edition.

To ensure a proper setup of a connection that supports person-based lookups of your B2B data, use the following illustration for an overview and follow these steps:

B2B schemas annotated

  1. Add datasets from the table above to your connection.

  2. For each lookup dataset that you add to your connection, you must explicitly define the relationship to an event dataset using the Key and the Matching key in the Edit dataset dialog.

  3. For each lookup dataset that you want to transform for person-based B2B lookups, enable Transform dataset to ensure that the data is transformed for person-based lookups. See Transform datasets for B2B lookups for additional information.

    Key - Matching key

    The table below provides an example overview of the Person ID, Key, and Matching key values for each of the datasets.

    table 0-row-4 1-row-4 2-row-4 3-row-4 4-row-4 5-row-4 6-row-4 7-row-4 8-row-4 9-row-4 10-row-4
    Dataset Person ID Key Matching key
    (in event dataset)
    B2B Activity Dataset SourceKey
    B2B Person Dataset SourceKey
    B2B Account Dataset SourceKey
    (B2B Person Dataset)
    B2B Opportunity Dataset Source Key
    (B2B Opportunity Relation Dataset)
    B2B Campaign Dataset SourceKey
    (B2B Campaign Member Dataset)
    B2B Marketing List Dataset SourceKey
    (B2B Marketing List Member Dataset)
    B2B Account Person Relation Dataset SourceKey
    Source Key
    (Event datasets)
    B2B Opportunity Person Relation Dataset SourceKey
    personKey.sourceKe 测鉂
    Source Key
    (Event datasets)
    B2B Campaign Member Dataset SourceKey
    Source Key
    (Event datasets)
    B2B Marketing List Member Dataset SourceKey
    Source Key
    (Event datasets)

See Add and configure datasets for more information on how to configure settings for a dataset.

Data view

To have access to relevant B2B dimensions and metrics when building your Workspace project, you must define your data view accordingly.

You can, for example, add the following components to your data view to ensure you can report on person-based level on your B2B data. The component names are sometimes modified for clarity from their original schema names.

table 0-row-4 1-row-4 2-row-4 3-row-4 4-row-4 5-row-4 6-row-4 7-row-4
Component name Dataset Data type Schema path
Annual Account Revenue B2B Account Dataset Double accountOrganization.annualRevenue.amount
Number of Employees B2B Account Dataset Integer accountOrganization.numberOfEmployees
Actual Campaign Cost B2B Campaign Dataset Double actualCost.amount
Budgeted Campaign Cost B2B Campaign Dataset Double budgetedCost.amount
Expected Opportunity Revenue B2B Opportunity Dataset Double expectedRevenue.amount
Expected Campaign Revenue B2B Campaign Dataset Double expectedRevenue.amount
Opportunity Amount B2B Opportunity Dataset Double opportunityAmount.amount
table 0-row-4 1-row-4 2-row-4 3-row-4 4-row-4 5-row-4 6-row-4 7-row-4 8-row-4 9-row-4 10-row-4 11-row-4 12-row-4
Component name Dataset Data type Schema path
Account Name B2B Account Dataset String accountName
Campaign Name B2B Campaign Dataset String campaignName
Channel Name B2B Campaign Dataset String channelName
Country B2B Account Dataset String accountBillingAddress.country
Forecast Category Name B2B Opportunity Dataset String forecastCategoryName
Industry B2B Account Dataset String accountOrganization.industry
Last name B2B Person Dataset String person.name.lastName
Marketing List Name B2B Marketing List Dataset String marketingListName
Opportunity Name B2B Opportunity Dataset String opportunityName
Opportunity Stage B2B Opportunity Dataset String opportunityStage
Opportunity Type B2B Opportunity Type Dataset String opportunityType
Webinar Session Name B2B Campaign Dataset String webinarSessionName


With your components properly defined in the data view, you can now build specific B2B reports and visualizations in your Workspace project.

Below is a screenshot from an example project that relies on the connection and data view described above. The visualization descriptions explain which of the freeform table visualization relies on the transformed B2B lookup data.

Sample project
