
Standard component reference

Most dimensions and metrics in Customer Journey Analytics are based on schema elements from your 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ Experience Platform dataset. However, several components are available to add to a data view regardless of the connection that you use.

Standard components are components that are not generated from dataset schema fields but are instead system generated. Some system components are required to facilitate reporting capabilities in Analysis Workspace, while other system components are optional.

Standard components

Required standard components required

These required standard components are added to each data view by default. They are essential to the reporting capabilities that Customer Journey Analytics offers.

Component Name
Dimension or Metric
Based on the person ID specified in a Connection.
Based on the data view’s session settings.
The number of rows from all event datasets in a Connection.
The second that a given event happened (rounded down). The first dimension item is the first second in the date range, and the last dimension item is the last second in the date range.
The minute that a given event happened (rounded down). The first dimension item is the first minute in the date range, and the last dimension item is the last minute in the date range.
The hour that a given event happened (rounded down). The first dimension item is the first hour in the date range, and the last dimension item is the last hour in the date range.
The day that a given event happened. The first dimension item is the first day in the date range, and the last dimension item is the last day in the date range.
The week that a given event happened. The first dimension item is the first week in the date range, and the last dimension item is the last week in the date range.
The month that a given event happened. The first dimension item is the first month in the date range, and the last dimension item is the last month in the date range.
The quarter that a given event happened. The first dimension item is the first quarter in the date range, and the last dimension item is the last quarter in the date range.
The year that a given event happened. The first dimension item is the first year in the date range, and the last dimension item is the most recent year in the date range.
Session Starts

The number of events that were the first event of a session. When used in a filter definition (for example, ‘Session Starts exists’), it filters down to just the first event of every session.

This component must be included in your data view for the following calculated metric to be available in Workspace:

  • Session Start Rate
Session Ends

The number of events that were the last event of a session. Similar to Session Starts, it can also be used in a filter definition to filter things down to the last event of every session.

This component must be included in your data view for the following calculated metric to be available in Workspace:

  • Session End Rate
Time Spent (seconds)

Sums the time between two different values for a dimension.

This component must be included in your data view for the following calculated metrics to be available in Workspace:

  • Time Spent Per Person
  • Time Spent Per Session

Optional standard components optional

Optional Standard components are available under Data views > Edit data view > Components tab > Standard Components tab.

Component Name
Dimension or Metric
Notes and values
Time-parting dimension
AM or PM
Batch ID
Represents the Experience Platform batch that an Event was part of.
Dataset ID
Represents the Experience Platform dataset that an Event was part of.
Day of Month
Time-parting dimension
Day of Week
Time-parting dimension
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Day of Year
Time-parting dimension
Hour of Day
Time-parting dimension
Month of Year
Time-parting dimension
January - December
First-time Sessions
A person’s defined first session within the reporting window. Learn more
Return Sessions
The number of sessions that were not a person’s first-time session. Learn more
Person ID

Each dataset schema defined in the Experience Platform can have its own set of one or more identities defined and associated with an Identity Namespace. Any of these identities can be used as the Person ID. Examples include Cookie ID, Stitched ID, User ID, Tracking Code, and so on. The Person ID dimension is the foundation of combining datasets and identifying unique persons in Customer Journey Analytics.

Possible use cases include:

  • Creating a filter on a specific person ID value to filter everything down to that user’s behavior.
  • Debugging: making sure that the data for a specific cookie ID (or a specific customer ID) is there.
  • Identifying the users who called in to a call center.
Person ID namespace
Which type of ID the Person ID consists of. Examples are: email address, cookie ID, Analytics ID
Quarter of Year
Time-parting dimension
Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4
Repeat session
The number of sessions that were not a person’s first-ever session. Learn more
Session Type
This dimension has two values: 1) First-Time and 2) Returning. The First-time line item includes all behavior (metrics against this dimension) from a session that has been determined to be a person’s defined first session. Everything else is included in the Returning line item (assuming everything belongs to a session). Where metrics are not part of any session, they would fall into the ‘Not applicable’ bucket for this dimension. Learn more
Time Spent per Event
Buckets the Time Spent metric into Event buckets.
Time Spent per Session
Buckets the Time Spent metric into Session buckets.
Time Spent per Person
Buckets the Time Spent metric into Person buckets.
Time-parting dimension
Weekend or Weekday