
Spreadsheet report feed settings

Feed Name
A name for the spreadsheet feed.
Report Template
The report template that specifies the required report data; select the one you used to create the Excel template. All basic report templates are listed.

Note: If you change the report template used for the report, or you update the columns in the template, then you must create and upload a new Excel template.
Excel Template
The specially formatted Excel template that you created in .XLSX format, which is applied to data specified in the report template. Specify the file to upload either by entering the full path and file name or by clicking Browse to locate the file on your device or network.
Back Fill From
The beginning date for which existing data on the RAW tab is refreshed, represented by a number of days in the past. Enter a value of up to 90 days; the default is seven (7) days.

For example, if the value is 7, and today is March 7, then the existing data on the RAW tab beginning with March 1 is refreshed (up until the end date specified by the Back Fill Until parameter). Existing rows of data for dates before March 1 aren’t deleted, but they aren’t refreshed.
Back Fill Until
The end date for which existing data on the RAW tab is refreshed, represented by a number of days in the past. The default value is one (1) day.

For example, if this value is 1, and today is March 7, then the existing data on the RAW tab is refreshed up to March 6 (and beginning with the start date specified by the Back Fill From parameter). If this value is 1, the Back Fill Until parameter is 7, and today is March 7, then the existing data on the RAW tab is refreshed from March 1 through March 6. In both examples, existing rows of data for dates after March 6 aren’t deleted, but they aren’t refreshed.
Email Recipients
Email addresses at which to send notifications each time the report is refreshed, or each time the report is run when the template includes a schedule. By default, the address for your user account is entered. To specify multiple addresses, separate them with commas, spaces, or new lines.
Schedule Time
The time at which spreadsheet feeds are refreshed: either at 08:00 or at any hour between 10:00 and 23:00 in the advertiser’s time zone. The default for new spreadsheet feeds is 10:00.

Note: For performance reasons, you can’t refresh spreadsheet feeds at 09:00, when other reports are generated.
Email Notification

(When Email Recipients are specified) What to include in email notifications to any specified addresses:

  • Attach feed — To send a copy of the completed report in XLSX format. If the file is greater than 10 MB, then the notification doesn’t include an attachment.
  • Notification only (the default) — To send only a notification of the report completion or failure, with a link to the report.