
Edit a custom metric

If you edit a custom metric that’s included as a column in one of your default views or custom views, or in a report template, then the new formula is used the next time you refresh the view or run the report, respectively.

Complex custom metrics take longer to calculate, and reports and views that include them — especially when they include separate columns for click-through and view-through conversions — take longer to be generated.

Edit a custom metric from a campaign management view

  1. Above the data table, do either of the following:

    • Click the name of the default view or custom view to open the view settings.

    • Click Custom Columns to open the column configuration settings.

  2. Hold the cursor over the column name, and click Edit next to the column name.

  3. Specify the custom metric settings.

  4. Click Save.

Edit a custom metric from a report or report template form

  1. Within a report or report template form, go to the Columns tab.

  2. Click the column name in either the left column or the right column, and then click Edit in the right section.

  3. Edit the custom metric settings.

  4. Click Submit.

Edit a custom metric from the Portfolios views

  1. Above the data table, click Edit Selected View .

  2. Click the Columns tab.

  3. Click the column name in either the Available Metrics or Table Columns list, and then click Edit in the right section.

  4. Edit the custom metric settings.

  5. Click Submit.
