
Manage audience targets for your Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising campaigns and ad groups

Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising only

Google Ads campaigns and ad groups, and Microsoft Advertising ad groups, can target specific audiences from the same ad network. The ad network determines how large an audience must be to be targetable.

Exclusions always override inclusions/targets.

You can configure audience targets, edit the bid modifiers for audience targets, and change the status of audience targets.

Configure audience targets

  1. In the main menu, click Search > Campaigns > Campaigns. In the submenus, click Live > Audiences > Targets.

  2. In the toolbar above the data table, click Create .

  3. Select the ad network and the account name, and then click Continue.

  4. Configure the audience targets for specific campaigns and ad groups:

    1. Select the applicable audiences for the specified ad network.

      You can optionally search for audiences that contain a specific text string with a minimum of three characters. For any matching audience, click Include to select it.

      Google Ads customer match audiences are available only for search and shopping campaigns.

    2. Specify the targets:

      1. (Optional) To expand a campaign its child ad groups, click the campaign name.

      2. (Optional) To filter a campaign list or ad group list by a text string included in the name, click Filter , either enter or paste the text string into the input field, and then press the Enter key.

      3. Specify each campaign and ad group target for the specified ad network by clicking the adjacent empty circle so that a blue checkmark ( Select ) appears.

      You can鈥檛 configure a target for both a parent campaign and a child ad group (which automatically uses the target).

  5. Click Post.

  6. (Optional) Set a bid adjustment for the target in one of the following ways from the Targets view:

    • Click in the Bid Adjustment column and enter a value.

    • Select the check box next to the target row. In the toolbar , click Edit , enter the bid modifier, and then click Post.

    Values can include:

    • 0%: To not adjust bids for ads for this audience.

    • /[Other values from -90% to 900%/]: To increase or decrease the bid for ads for this audience. For example, if the keyword-level bid is 1 USD and the bid adjustment for a specific audience target is 50%, then the bid for that audience increases to 1.50 USD.

Edit the bid modifier for audience targets

You can change the bid modifier and status of audience targets for all audience types except for in-market audiences.

Search, Social, & Commerce automatically optimizes the bid modifier when the parent campaign uses the CPC bid strategy and is in a portfolio configured to auto-optimize bid adjustment values for audience targets.
  1. In the main menu, click Search > Campaigns > Campaigns. In the submenus, click Live > Audiences > Targets.

  2. Do either of the following:

    • To edit a bid modifier for one target, click in the Bid Adjustment column and edit the bid adjustment.

    • To edit a bid modifier for one more targets, do the following:

      1. Select the check box next to each target to edit.

        For tips on selecting multiple rows, see 鈥Select multiple rows.鈥

      2. In the toolbar above the data table, click Edit .

      3. Edit the Bid Modifier and/or Status fields.

        For the Bid Modifier field, you have options to change existing values to a specified value or to either increase or decrease the amount by a specified percentage or monetary amount, with a limit.

        For a set value, the value can include:

        • 0%: To not adjust bids for ads for this audience.

        • /[Other values from -90% to 900%/]: To increase or decrease the bid for ads for this audience. For example, if the keyword-level bid is 1 USD and the bid adjustment for a specific audience target is 50%, then the bid for that audience increases to 1.50 USD.

        For multiple targets, your changes are applied to all of the selected targets.

      4. (Optional) Click Additional Details and optionally enter a project name and description.

      5. Click Post.

Change the status of audience targets

You can pause an active audience target to disable bidding on it. You can later resume bidding by changing the status back to active.

You can also delete an active or paused search audience target.

  1. In the main menu, click Search > Campaigns > Campaigns. In the submenus, click Live > Audiences > Targets.

  2. (Optional) Filter the list to include specific audience targets.

  3. Select the check box next to each audience target whose status you want to change.

    For tips on selecting multiple rows, see 鈥Select multiple rows.鈥

  4. In the toolbar, click the status button:

    • To activate the rows, click Activate .

    • To pause the rows, click Pause .

    • To delete the rows, click More actions and select Delete. In the confirmation message, click Delete.
