Yandex text ad settings
Text Ad
Ad Title: The headline of the banner (ad). The maximum length is 33 characters, and a single word can鈥檛 include more than 23 characters.
Description Line 1: The body of the banner (ad). The maximum length is 75 characters, and a single word can鈥檛 be more than 22 characters.
Status: The display status of the ad: Active (to enable bidding; the default), Paused (to disable bidding), or Deleted (to delete the ad; existing ads only).
Tracking URLs
Base URL: The landing page URL to which search engine users are taken when they click your ad. Include any parameters that determine the content of the page. Base URLs at the keyword level and sitelink level override those at the ad level.
Once you save the record, the base URL includes any append parameters that are configured for the campaign or account.
and {param2}
values defined for the keyword that鈥檚 used to display the ad.