
Baidu text ad settings

Changing the ad copy for a Baidu ad deletes the existing ad and creates a new ad with the same properties.

Text Ad

Ad Title: The headline of the ad. The maximum length is 14 double-byte or 28 single-byte characters.

Description Line 1: The first line of the body of an ad. The minimum length is four double-byte or 8 single-byte characters, and the maximum length is 20 double-byte or 40 single-byte characters.

Description Line 2: The second line of the body of an ad. The minimum length is four double-byte or 8 single-byte characters, and the maximum length is 20 double-byte or 40 single-byte characters.

Display URL: The URL displayed in an ad. The maximum length is 35 single-byte characters.

Mobile Preferred: (Optional) Allows the network to try to display the ad or ad extension to mobile device users rather than desktop or tablet users. By default, the option isn鈥檛 enabled, and the ad can appear on any device type.

The network doesn鈥檛 guarantee that it will display the ad or ad extension on the preferred device type.

Status: The display status of the ad: Active (to enable bidding; the default), Paused (to disable bidding), or Deleted (to delete the ad; existing ads only).

Tracking URLs

Base URL: The landing page URL to which search engine users are taken when they click your ad. Include any parameters that determine the content of the page. Base URLs at the keyword level and sitelink level override those at the ad level.

Once you save the record, the base URL includes any append parameters that are configured for the campaign or account.
