Supported bulksheet file formats
File Formats
You can download, upload, and post bulksheet files for supported ad networks in any of the following formats:
- CSV (comma-separated values)
- TSV (tab-separated values)
- TXT (Unicode text), delimited by either commas or tabs
- ZIP (compressed) containing one file in CSV format, TSV format, or TXT format delimited by either commas or tabs
When you create/download a bulksheet, it鈥檚 created in the specified file format with all relevant data included in the file. Use the following information to edit data in the file or to create your own bulksheet manually.
Basic contents of a bulksheet
The first record (line) of a bulksheet file contains a set of specific column names, collectively known as a header. The column names in the header are in a specified order and correspond to each of the fields in the subsequent data records. The column names required in the header vary by ad network.
Each subsequent record (line) contains data, with fields containing values (or no values) for each column in the header.
Maximum file size
Bulksheet files can be up to 2.5 GB, which is about 2.5 million rows.
<bulksheet name>_1.tsv
, <bulksheet name>_2.tsv
, and so on.Formatting requirements for different file types
Data fields delimited by tabs and by commas require different formatting.
TSV files and TXT files delimited with tabs
Data fields in TSV files and TXT files delimited with tabs must be formatted as follows:
The fields in each record are separated by tab characters. To omit a value for a field, use only the tab character.
Fields can鈥檛 contain embedded tab characters.
CSV files and TXT files delimited with commas
Data fields in CSV files and TXT files delimited with commas must be formatted as follows:
The fields in a record are separated by commas. To omit a value for a field, use only the comma.
Any field may optionally be enclosed within double-quotes (
Fields with embedded commas must be enclosed within double quotes (
Cruises,5000,Caribbean,"Luxurious, spacious cabins",
Fields with embedded double quotes must be enclosed within double quotes (
Cruises,5000,Caribbean,"Customers say ""We wish we could stay forever."",
Fields with leading or trailing spaces must be enclosed within double quotes (
Cruises,5000,Caribbean," Come see what we mean. ",