
List the Placements and Ads for a Private Deal

You can open a list of all placements and ads associated with a private deal. You can optionally open the settings for any of the placements or ads.

  1. In the main menu, click Inventory > Deals.

  2. In the deal row, click … > Placements and Ads.

    The Placements tab is shown by default. To view the ads, click the Ads tab.

  3. (Optional) Do any of the following:

    • To see the reasons that a placement hasn’t been able to bid on the private deal, hold the cursor over the placement row and click Non bid reasons.

    • To edit the settings for a placement, hold the cursor over the placement row and click Edit. Edit the placement settings, and then click Update placement.

    • To remove the deal from a placement’s inventory targets, hold the cursor over the placement row and click More > Detach Placement. In the confirmation message, click Yes.

      Detaching the placement doesn’t delete the placement.

    • To edit the settings for an ad, hold the cursor over the ad row and click More > Edit. Edit the ad settings, and then click Save & submit for review.
