
Report Destination Settings

The details required for non-email report destinations vary by destination type.

You can also deliver your custom reports to email recipients, which don鈥檛 require a saved report destination. You can specify email recipients, instead of saved destinations, within the report settings.


Name: A name to help you identify the destination.

S3 Bucket URL: The full path to the folder on the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket to which the report is uploaded. Example: s3://dsp_account/reports

Access Key ID: The Access Key ID to the (Amazon S3) bucket (provided by Amazon).

Secret Access Key: The Secret Access Key to the (Amazon S3) bucket (provided by Amazon).


Name: A name to help you identify the destination.

Server: The host name for the server.

Port: The port number to use on the server. The default is 21.

Username: The user name to log in to the server.

Password: The password to log in to the server.

Path (Optional): The server path to which the files are uploaded.


Name: A name to help you identify the destination.

Server: The host name for the server.

Port: The port number to use on the server. The default is 21.

Username: The user name to log in to the server.

Password: The password to log in to the server.

Path (Optional): The server path to which the files are uploaded.


Name: A name to help you identify the destination.

Server: The host name for the server.

Port: The port number to use on the server. The default is 21.

Username: The user name to log in to the server.

Password: The password to log in to the server.

Path (Optional): The server path to which the files are uploaded.
