
How to Create a Package

Learn how to create a package for a DSP campaign.

Hi everyone. I’m Ankita from Ad Cloud 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ.
The agenda of today’s video is Introduction to 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ advertising cloud packages how to create a package. And I’m going to show you a quick demonstration how it is done in the UI. By the end of this video you should be able to summarize what a package is and why they should be used within 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ advertising cloud. Describe how 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ advertising cloud packages work within the platform and how these are built in the UI Introduction to 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ advertising cloud packages. Now to put packages in simple terms these are nothing but a group of placements with similar characteristics. We use packages to group placements to deliver for a set budget, performance goal and custom facing strategy.
DSP optimizes packages by shifting budgets to the best performing placements in the package.
You can also organize packages by placement format, inventory type, data provider or other distinguishable characteristics. Now, what you see on your screen right now is the platform structure basically advertising cloud account structure. But today we are going to primarily focus on just packages.
Now this is a campaign home packages view or maybe a packages dashboard. However you want to call it.
Now, the package dashboard, centralizes performance and reporting across all of your packages strategies providing quick snapshots of how your packages have performed during a specific date range. Once your campaign is live, you will be able to see delivery by packages.
Within packages you can set a unique budget, performance goal and custom facing strategy.
The dashboard includes high level customizable trends with three metrices like you see on the screen right now net spend impressions and net CPM. Again, these are customizable for whatever you want to see on your packages To see all the placements within a package you need to click on a package name and all the placements residing under that package are going to come up. How to create a package. Now, we are going to understand the steps that are needed to create a package. In the main menu you have to click campaigns, In the name, click the name of the campaign in which you want to create the package. For example, here it’s platform demo 2021 On the packages tab, Click create, Packages and click save and close. Once you create a package, you can assign placements to it.
A quick tip. The best practice is to separate your packages based on targeting tactics, Ad types and performance goals. Now, these are the steps that we need to follow and we need to input the details here In order to create a package I’m going to quickly show you a demo of it in the UI so that you are able to understand it properly.
So what you see on your screen right now is that I’m under the test campaign, DSP training and we are going to create packages under this particular campaign. So we are into the packages tab. You’re going to hit create package and it’ll take us to a create a package window wherein we have to input all the details in order for us to create a particular package. Now, these are basic package settings which is name, the name of the package. The maximum length is 60 characteristics. Description, it’s a description of a package, which is optional. CPM and CPM description, again, which is optional. Second up. We have goals and budget, Pacing and Capping. Basically this is at which level you want to pace and cap placements in a particular package, we have two types. One is package level pacing and another one is placement level pacing In package level pacing, This pacing strategy operates by pacing and capping. all included placements as a group.
The strategy ensures that all placements within a given package are optimized holistically distributing spend across based on performance and scale to selected key performance indicators that are the KPIs. Placement level pacing operates by pacing and capping all included placements individually. The best practice is to use this strategy only to execute guaranteed private deals.
Next you see on your screens right now is the Flight Dates which is obviously the packet start and end date. To optionally create non even pacing flights for the package. You need to select the activate custom flighting and set up the custom flights in the flighting section window below. Here. Also, you can edit the package start date when custom flighting is activated, a quick side note the flight dates must be included within the campaign flight dates. Also in the flight dates for all the placements also should be assigned to the particular package must be included within these dates only. Next up we have Budget, It is a gross budget cap. And what you see on your screens right now is the budget. So you will input the budget of a particular package here.
You can also add an interval gap, basis on at what amount you want to cap your budgets your packages at. You can input the amount here and select the interval here.
Then is the optimization goal. The optimization goal for a package is basically the goal that you define. You want your package to optimize towards.
Now, It has various custom goals as well so you can choose your options from here. The next step we see on our screen right now is the Package Frequency. This is the number of times a unique device or person can be served ads from the particular package, options include unlimited or any specific number that you want to select. Pace on Is what the pacing is based on. It could be either budget which is the default setting or impressions. If you select the budget this option delivers as many impressions as possible within the allocated package budget. And if you select impressions this option delivers impressions until a specified quantity is reached within a specified interval.
Next is Spacing fill strategy which is how to pace and deliver. Now, there are four categories Even, Slightly ahead, Front load and Aggressive front load. The default setting is slightly ahead, which means that it accelerates delivery so that it’s 50 to 65% complete halfway through the flight duration.
If you select ‘Even’, it’ll mean pacing delivery uniformly throughout each flight with the target of 50% of the delivery in the first half of the flight. The next tab is ‘Front load’, which is accelerates delivery so that it’s 65 to 75% complete half through the flight. And the last one is ‘Aggressive front load’ which is accelerates delivery. So that it’s 75 to 85% complete half way through the flight. Now that we know the basic explanation of these terms we are going quickly a package so that the understanding is further more clear. Let’s name it as, Test one.
We are going to leave the description as this is optional. We leave the pacing and capping to package level pacing only.
Let’s select the flight dates which is 05/18/2021 when the campaign started or probably if you want to edit you can just change it for November flighting only. So I’m going to quickly go to the November 8th or 9th and the end date, end of the campaign.
Enter the budgets say $5,000 all time. And if I want to add an interval cap, I’ll add it here say a $100 for maybe daily.
Optimization goal. Let’s you can select the options here. I’m going to go the lowest CPM, Package cap, so the capping is either unlimited or whatever you want to select. So let’s go with 2 per day. And if you want to put a secondary cap you can put it like 1 per hour or however you want your packages to cap based on budget. I’m going to leave it on the default settings as is Facing field strategy is slightly ahead which is the default setting.
And this is basically the package date that I selected. If I select the activate custom flighting I’ll input the custom flights here with the end date and start date here and allocate the goal spend which is the budget that I want to allocate to each flight. Since I’m not activating it here I’m going to uncheck the box and save and close. Now, once these details are saved our test package will be created and it’ll show up under the packages tab of that particular campaign. As you can see this was the test one that I created November 9th to December 31, the scheduled status, the budget and these details will populate once the campaign is set live. Also, you can duplicate a package with a similar setting by clicking here and duplicating it.
You’ll have to input the details here with the respective name flight dates. If you want to duplicate the placements, Yes. Maintain ad association, Yes or No. Duplicate pixels, Yes or no. And then you hit the save submit here. And the duplicated package is also created.
You can assign the placements to this respective package by clicking on attach a placement. And the placements that you want on this package to reside will show up once you click on this package. Right now we do not have any placements created. So it’ll show as no placements exist.
So this was how a package is created in the UI.
I hope by now you know how to build a package in 51ºÚÁϲ»´òìÈ advertising cloud what a package is and why they should be used within Ad cloud and how these packages work within the platform. I hope you find this video helpful. Thank you. -