Product ID,Asset Type,Asset Format,Title,Description,URL,Image URL,Authors,Duration,Language,Publication Date,Copyright Holder,Subject Tags,Status,Collection,Major Discipline,Parent Product ID,Last Modified Date,Skills 186TM-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Time Management,"Time management isn't about cramming more into your schedule. It's about making smarter, more purposeful choices with the hours you have. Learn how to get more of what you want from your time.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,77,English,10/19/2016,Harvard Business Publishing,Managing yourself; Time management,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/2/2024,Cultivating personal agility; Cultivating resilience; Integrating work and life; Managing your energy and mental health; Sustaining high performance; Taking charge of your professional growth 186LN-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Leveraging Your Networks,"Networking isn't ""just political game-playing""-it's a crucial skill for all managers. By learning to create an effective network, you can improve your interpersonal skills, access new information, and connect with important organizational stakeholders.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,181,English,4/26/2017,Harvard Business Publishing,Customer relationship management; Interpersonal relations; Interpersonal skills; Networking; Networks; Relationship management,Active,HMM,Organizational Behavior,,5/2/2024,Building authentic relationships; Cultivating personal agility; Leading with social awareness; Networking 186TC-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Team Creation,"The best teams are bound by a common purpose and shared set of goals. To create your all-star team, learn when you need to work together, how to assign a team leader, and the importance of member accountability.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,106,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Leading teams; Managing people; Performance management; Teams,Removed,HMM,Organizational Behavior,,2/27/2023, 186BP-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Business Plan Development,A business plan takes the abstract goals of an organization or team and makes them concrete and actionable. Learn how to create a living document that will showcase an opportunity or idea and outline how your organization can make it a reality.,,,Harvard Business Publishing,106,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Business plans; Concept stage; Development stage; Entrepreneurial management; Management skills; Preparing business plans; Venture life cycle,Active,HMM,Entrepreneurship,,5/20/2024,Crafting strategy; Creating a business case; Developing financial literacy; Focusing on the customer; Forecasting; Leveraging financial tools for business impact; Writing 186MB-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Managing Your Boss,"Having a positive, healthy relationship with your manager is key to your success. Learn how to resolve differences without losing focus on business priorities.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,159,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Customer relationship management; Interpersonal skills; Managing superiors; Managing up; Organizational behavior; Relationship management; Relationships,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/2/2024,Building authentic relationships; Enabling collaboration; Leading with social awareness; Listening; Managing conflict; Negotiating; Sustaining high performance; Taking charge of your professional growth 186PI-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Process Improvement,Your organization creates value for customers through a series of activities. Ensure you and your team are at your most productive by understanding the processes you are part of and redesigning them to enhance your organization's performance.,,,Harvard Business Publishing,122,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Business processes; Improving performance; Organizational culture,Active,HMM,Operations Management,,5/20/2024,Aligning with strategy; Crafting strategy; Creating a business case; Developing data intelligence; Leading a change initiative; Leading innovation; Leveraging financial tools for business impact; Making decisions; Managing projects; Measuring business performance; Overcoming resistance to change; Thinking strategically 186DL-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Delegating,"You can't accomplish all your assignments on your own. The ability to delegate well is critical to your-and your team's-success. Discover how to decide what to delegate, effectively communicate assignments, and support delegated work.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,87,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Delegation,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/2/2024,Building your team; Cultivating personal agility; Driving high performance on your team; Leading with purpose; Making decisions; Managing projects; Motivating people 186RE-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Retaining Employees,"It's not technology or financial assets that make your business great-it's your people. Stay ahead of your competition by learning how to hire for the right skills, manage at-risk employees, and encourage a positive organizational culture.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,109,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Employee retention; Talent management,Removed,HMM,Human Resource Management,,2/27/2023, 186WS-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Writing Skills,"How you communicate with others is essential to your success, so don't let your writing skills be an afterthought. Learn how to communicate clearly and concisely, connect with diverse audiences, and develop the ideas you want to share.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,108,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Business writing; Personal effectiveness; Productivity,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/2/2024,Communicating virtually; Crafting strategy; Focusing on the customer; Sustaining high performance; Writing 186FI-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Finance Essentials,"Let's face it-money is the fuel that keeps your organization running. No matter your role, by understanding the fundamentals of finance, you ensure your team will make the most of its resources. Learn how to interpret financial statements, create a budget, and invest wisely to produce the desired returns.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,129,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Finance; Finance essentials; Management skills,Active,HMM,Finance,,5/2/2024,Budgeting; Developing financial literacy; Helping people be their best; Managing risk; Measuring business performance 186AC-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Attracting and Cultivating Talent,"As a manager, you play an important role in creating a fulfilling work experience for the people on your team. Discover how to attract, hire, develop, and keep talented people who will grow and thrive throughout their employee journey.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,76,English,8/1/2022,Harvard Business Publishing,Developing employees; Exit interviews; Hiring; Organizational culture; Teams,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/2/2024,Advancing your organization's inclusion efforts; Building authentic relationships; Building team agility; Building your team; Fostering people's well-being; Helping people be their best; Managing talent fairly; Measuring and rewarding performance; Motivating people 186NG-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Negotiating,"Negotiation is an essential management skill that will serve you every day in ways big and small. By learning to effectively prepare for and conduct a negotiation, you can maintain relationships, resolve conflict, and balance competing interests.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,120,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Management skills; Negotiating; Negotiation,Active,HMM,Negotiation,,5/2/2024,Building authentic relationships; Crafting strategy; Creating a business case; Enabling collaboration; Leading with principle; Leading with social awareness; Making decisions; Managing conflict; Managing risk; Negotiating; Thinking strategically 186CM-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Career Management,"Want a fulfilling career path? While others can help, it's up to you to make it happen. Learn how by getting to know yourself, finding opportunities in career setbacks, and making learning a habit.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,86,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Career planning; Managing careers; Managing yourself; Success,Active,HMM,Human Resource Management,,5/2/2024,Cultivating personal agility; Cultivating resilience; Exercising career agility; Leading with purpose; Networking; Taking charge of your professional growth 186HI-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Hiring,"How do you select the right candidate from a list of applicants? Discover best practices for evaluating resumes, interviewing job candidates, deciding among your top choices, and making the offer.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,87,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Hiring; Recruitment,Removed,HMM,Human Resource Management,,2/27/2023, 186FE-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Feedback Essentials,Feedback fosters learning and leads to stronger relationships and higher performance. Discover how to give and receive meaningful feedback that can help you-and your team-succeed.,,,Harvard Business Publishing,60,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Feedback; Interpersonal skills; Psychology,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/2/2024,Cultivating resilience; Delivering feedback; Enabling collaboration; Fostering a learning culture; Helping people be their best; Listening; Measuring and rewarding performance 186DI-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Difficult Interactions,"Conflict is inevitable, but it doesn't have to be unmanageable. Discover how to effectively handle-and coach members of your team in handling-disagreements through careful preparation, good communication, and a focus on solutions that work for all parties.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,89,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Conflict management; Difficult conversations; Interpersonal skills; Leadership; Psychology,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/2/2024,Building authentic relationships; Building team agility; Cultivating personal agility; Leading with purpose; Leading with social awareness; Listening; Managing conflict; Managing team conflict; Negotiating 186SE-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Strategy Planning and Execution,"To be successful, your organization needs a smart strategic plan that differentiates it from the competition. Know your role in putting strategy into action to help your organization meet its goals.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,67,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Execution; Implementing strategy; Strategy management,Active,HMM,Strategy,,7/30/2024,Aligning with strategy; Crafting strategy; Driving high performance on your team; Leading innovation; Making decisions; Managing projects; Measuring and rewarding performance; Measuring business performance; Thinking strategically 186PG-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Project Management,"Effective project management can take an organization to new and greater heights. By managing projects well, you can achieve strategic goals, minimize company costs, and ensure tasks get completed on time.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,122,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Managers; Managing employees; Project management,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/2/2024,Aligning with strategy; Budgeting; Building team agility; Building your team; Crafting strategy; Creating a business case; Driving high performance on your team; Leading with purpose; Leveraging financial tools for business impact; Managing projects; Managing risk; Measuring and rewarding performance; Measuring business performance; Presenting; Running meetings 186PM-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Performance Measurement,"Performance measurement gives you a way to gauge progress against goals. Learn to set targets, collect and analyze data, and use measurement to better manage performance.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,148,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Assessing performance; Metrics; Performance management; Performance measurement,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/20/2024,Aligning with strategy; Creating a business case; Developing data intelligence; Developing financial literacy; Driving high performance on your team; Leading innovation; Leveraging financial tools for business impact; Managing risk; Measuring business performance; Motivating people 186CF-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Customer Focus,"Only by putting customers front and center can companies pull ahead-and stay ahead-of their rivals. Learn how to identify your key customers, their changing needs, and the actions you can take to improve their experience.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,111,English,10/19/2016,Harvard Business Publishing,Customer feedback; Customer input; Focusing on customers; Innovation; Innovation sources; Leadership; Listening; Managing people,Active,HMM,Marketing,,5/2/2024,Building your team; Crafting strategy; Digitizing customer focus; Focusing on the customer; Leading innovation; Motivating people 186DG-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Digital Intelligence,"No matter your role, technology continues to transform how you do your work. With access to a dizzying array of new tools, customer insights, and data, how do you keep up? Discover practices you and your team can put into action to thrive in the digital age.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,84,English,12/14/2020,Harvard Business Publishing,Analytics; Business process improvement; Communication technologies; Customer experiences; Data management; Disruptive innovation; Employee training; Experimentation; IT management; Incremental innovation; Information management; Information overload; Information sharing; Innovation; Knowledge management; Leading teams; Marketing; Organizational culture; Process analysis; Process improvement; Strategic innovations; Strategy formulation; Technical training; Technological change; Technological factors; Technological planning; Technology acceptance; Technology adoption lifecycle; Technology management; Web-based technologies,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/2/2024,Developing data intelligence; Developing digital capabilities; Enabling collaboration; Fostering a learning culture; Leading innovation; Leading through digital transformation 186GS-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Goal Setting,"Goal setting is crucial to personal and professional success. By knowing how to set the right goals, you can boost both your team's results and your own. Learn why goals matter, the different types of goals, and how to align your goals with your organization's key objectives.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,99,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Goal-setting; Goals; Setting goals; Strategy formulation,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/2/2024,Aligning with strategy; Delivering feedback; Developing team members' careers; Driving high performance on your team; Leading with purpose; Managing projects; Measuring and rewarding performance; Taking charge of your professional growth; Thinking strategically 186MM-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Meeting Management,"Plan and manage meetings that use everyone's time effectively. Learn how to create an agenda, keep people on point, and ensure everyone walks away understanding what's expected of them.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,96,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Business communication; Management skills; Meetings; Personal effectiveness; Productivity; Running meetings,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/20/2024,Communicating virtually; Enabling collaboration; Leading with purpose; Making decisions; Managing conflict; Managing projects; Presenting; Running meetings 186GC-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Global Collaboration,"In today's connected world, learning how to collaborate across cultures and languages is more essential than ever. Cultivate your cultural intelligence and build trust between global team members by establishing shared purpose and developing strategies to get back on track if misalignments occur.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,121,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Collaboration; Global collaboration; International business; International management,Active,HMM,International Business,,5/20/2024,Aligning with strategy; Building authentic relationships; Building team agility; Communicating virtually; Cultivating belonging; Cultivating personal agility; Enabling collaboration; Facilitating cross-cultural collaboration; Helping people be their best; Leading with principle; Leading with social awareness; Managing projects; Negotiating 186CN-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Change Management,"In today's organizations, change may be the only constant. By learning to navigate change, you can turn uncertainty into opportunity-and that benefits you, your team, and your organization.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,81,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Change management; Leadership; Top management and change,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/2/2024,Aligning with strategy; Building team agility; Cultivating personal agility; Cultivating resilience; Fostering a learning culture; Leading a change initiative; Managing projects; Overcoming resistance to change 186IC-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Innovation and Creativity,"Teams that flex their creativity and innovate regularly are simply more successful than others. Learn how to unleash your curiosity, overcome barriers to innovation, take smart risks, and collaborate with others so your organization can continuously improve.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,81,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Creativity; Innovation; Managing creativity & innovation,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/2/2024,Building team agility; Crafting strategy; Creating a business case; Cultivating resilience; Enabling collaboration; Fostering a learning culture; Leading innovation; Managing risk; Managing your energy and mental health; Networking; Thinking strategically 186ST-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Strategic Thinking,"To help position you, your team, and your organization for long-term success, you need to think strategically. Discover how to add value by broadening your perspectives, challenging your assumptions, and identifying new opportunities.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,60,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Core ideology; Envisioned future; Management philosophy; Strategic innovations; Strategic thinking; Strategic vision; Strategy formulation; Vision,Active,HMM,Strategy,,7/30/2024,Cultivating personal agility; Leading innovation; Leading with purpose; Making decisions; Managing risk; Taking charge of your professional growth; Thinking strategically 186LP-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Leading People,"How can you become an effective and inspiring leader? Begin by defining your values and vision, and deepening your self-management skills. Then learn how to create the conditions for others to succeed-even when your team isn't working in the same physical space.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,101,English,9/13/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Leadership,Active,HMM,Organizational Behavior,,5/2/2024,Aligning with strategy; Building authentic relationships; Communicating virtually; Cultivating belonging; Cultivating personal agility; Developing team members' careers; Enabling collaboration; Facilitating cross-cultural collaboration; Fostering a learning culture; Influencing; Leading with principle; Leading with purpose; Leading with social awareness 186AP-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Team Management,"Organizations are powered by teams: groups of people with a shared identity, complementary skills, and the ability to collaborate effectively. As a leader, you can create immense value by knowing how to build and lead teams in ways that maximize their creativity and performance.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,117,English,9/13/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Leading teams; Teams,Active,HMM,Organizational Behavior,,5/2/2024,Aligning with strategy; Building authentic relationships; Building team agility; Building your team; Driving high performance on your team; Enabling collaboration; Fostering people's well-being; Leading through uncertainty; Managing team conflict; Measuring business performance; Motivating people; Running meetings 186BU-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Budgeting,"Budgeting isn't just for finance teams. Each decision a manager makes needs to take into account the resources that are available to them. Learning to budget ensures you can allocate resources wisely, communicate financial expectations, and keep teams on track with their budgets.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,102,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Budget management; Budgeting; Budgets; Corporate strategy; General management; Management skills,Active,HMM,Finance,,5/2/2024,Budgeting; Crafting strategy; Developing financial literacy; Forecasting; Leveraging financial tools for business impact; Measuring business performance 186EW-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Ethics at Work,"Using ethics to drive decisions across your team and organization isn't just the right thing to do, it's good for business. Discover how to foster integrity in the workplace, and explore practical methods for making ethical decisions.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,92,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Business ethics; Business law; Decision making; Integrity,Active,HMM,Business Ethics,,5/20/2024,Aligning with strategy; Cultivating personal agility; Facilitating cross-cultural collaboration; Integrating work and life; Leading with principle; Leading with social awareness; Making decisions; Managing risk 186CR-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Crisis Management,"Crises arrive when you least expect and can radically reshape your business. Discover practices for preventing avoidable crises, containing and managing crises, and handling future crises more effectively.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,82,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Crisis management; Disaster recovery; Disaster response; Planning; Public relations; Strategic planning,Active,HMM,Organizational Behavior,,5/20/2024,Building authentic relationships; Building team agility; Cultivating personal agility; Cultivating resilience; Fostering a learning culture; Leading through uncertainty; Leading with purpose; Leading with social awareness; Making decisions; Managing crises; Managing risk 186II-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Innovation Implementation,"Enough talk-it's time to make innovation happen. Transform your idea into a new product, service, or process that will make a real impact to your team, organization, and customers.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,107,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Change management; Experimentation; Flexibility; Implementing innovation; Innovation; Managerial behavior,Active,HMM,Entrepreneurship,,5/2/2024,Building team agility; Crafting strategy; Creating a business case; Cultivating personal agility; Fostering a learning culture; Leading innovation; Managing projects; Measuring business performance; Networking; Thinking strategically 186DE-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Developing Employees,"If you don't make developing your employees a priority, your team and organization will fall behind. Learn how to help people grow when your day is already full, promote rich learning experiences, and create development plans that have a lasting impact.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,70,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Career advancement; Developing employees; Employee engagement; Employee retention; Professional development; Talent management,Active,HMM,Human Resource Management,,5/2/2024,Coaching; Delivering feedback; Developing team members' careers; Fostering a learning culture; Helping people be their best; Managing your energy and mental health; Measuring and rewarding performance; Networking 186SB-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Sharpening Your Business Acumen,"How can you best help your organization thrive? By developing your business acumen-knowledge of how organizations operate, create value, and gain competitive advantage. Take your career to the next level by learning business and finance basics, and developing an enterprise mindset.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,75,English,8/1/2022,Harvard Business Publishing,Business models; Competitive strategy; Financial statements; Management skills; Value creation,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/2/2024,Aligning with strategy; Budgeting; Crafting strategy; Creating a business case; Developing financial literacy; Focusing on the customer; Leveraging financial tools for business impact; Measuring business performance; Taking charge of your professional growth 186SM-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Stress Management,"Do you have a healthy relationship with stress? It's time to make it work for-not against-you. By understanding your boundaries, embracing positive pressure, and prioritizing your health, you can learn to deal with stress in a more productive way.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,70,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Managing workplace stress; Managing yourself; Resilience; Stress,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/2/2024,Cultivating personal agility; Cultivating resilience; Integrating work and life; Managing your energy and mental health; Sustaining high performance 186PS-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Presentation Skills,"Effective presentations pay big dividends-for your team and your career-by inspiring, informing, or persuading your audience. By knowing how to craft a clear and compelling message, design engaging slides, and deliver with confidence, you'll give a top-notch presentation time and again.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,124,English,9/13/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Making presentations,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/2/2024,Building authentic relationships; Communicating virtually; Crafting strategy; Developing data intelligence; Digitizing customer focus; Focusing on the customer; Influencing; Leading with purpose; Managing your energy and mental health; Presenting; Running meetings; Writing 186PA1-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Performance Appraisal,"Discover how to prepare for, conduct, and follow up on performance evaluations for your employees, so their on-the-job achievements support your own, your group's, and the company's goals.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,89,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Feedback; Improving performance; Managing people; Performance appraisals; Performance management,Active,HMM,Human Resource Management,,5/20/2024,Delivering feedback; Developing team members' careers; Helping people be their best; Managing talent fairly; Measuring and rewarding performance; Turning around underperformers 186DV-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,"Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging","As a manager, you are in a powerful position to create an environment where people can thrive, knowing that they truly belong and the differences they bring are welcome. Discover why diversity is an essential component of a successful team-and what you can do to foster inclusion and belonging in your organization.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,122,English,9/13/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Discrimination; Diversity; Employment discrimination; Exit interviews; Leadership qualities; Managing people; Social equality; Social issues; Talent management,Active,HMM,Human Resource Management,,5/2/2024,Advancing your organization's inclusion efforts; Cultivating belonging; Facilitating cross-cultural collaboration; Fostering inclusion on your team; Managing talent fairly 186PO-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Persuading Others,"Boost your ability to persuade others to get the buy-in you need to accomplish your goals. By learning the art and science of effective persuasion, you build credibility, earn trust, and increase your influence.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,75,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Interpersonal skills; Persuasion; Psychology,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/2/2024,Building authentic relationships; Creating a business case; Developing data intelligence; Enabling collaboration; Focusing on the customer; Influencing; Leading with principle; Overcoming resistance to change; Presenting 186ME-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Marketing Essentials,"No matter how good your product or service is, the way you communicate with your customers can determine its success. Discover the forces that influence the purchasing habits of your customers and learn how to win them over with an effective marketing strategy.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,120,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Focusing on customers; Marketing; Marketing essentials,Active,HMM,Marketing,,5/20/2024,Crafting strategy; Creating a business case; Digitizing customer focus; Facilitating cross-cultural collaboration; Focusing on the customer; Leading innovation; Managing risk; Measuring business performance; Thinking strategically 186DM-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Decision Making,Smart decisions are a key to business success. Boost your decision-making skills by learning how to avoid common pitfalls and use an effective process to spark innovative thinking. Discover strategies to get the most out of group decisions and apply data to answer important questions and evaluate your options.,,,Harvard Business Publishing,98,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Decision making; Emotional intelligence; Management skills; Problem solving,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/2/2024,Aligning with strategy; Cultivating resilience; Developing data intelligence; Digitizing customer focus; Enabling collaboration; Fostering a learning culture; Leading with principle; Leveraging financial tools for business impact; Making decisions; Managing risk; Thinking strategically 186BC-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Business Case Development,"You recognize a great opportunity to help your organization, but how do you communicate it? Learn how to create and present a compelling business case that aligns with your company's strategic priorities.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,110,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Creating a business case; Implementing strategy; Making presentations; Strategic analysis,Active,HMM,General Management,,5/20/2024,Crafting strategy; Creating a business case; Developing data intelligence; Developing financial literacy; Enabling collaboration; Leveraging financial tools for business impact; Managing projects; Managing risk; Measuring business performance; Presenting; Running meetings 186CH-HTM-ENG,Course,HTML,Coaching,"You need team members who can make smart, independent choices. The good news? Through coaching, you help people sharpen their skills and strengthen their confidence. Learn how to use inquiry, listening, and feedback to support members in building key capabilities.",,,Harvard Business Publishing,69,English,9/14/2014,Harvard Business Publishing,Coaching,Active,HMM,Human Resource Management,,5/2/2024,Building authentic relationships; Coaching; Delivering feedback; Developing team members' careers; Fostering a learning culture; Leading with social awareness; Listening